Richard Nash: Paradigm Shift, Books as Mindshare

Richard Nash discusses his radical thinking on books and publishing in the 21st century — or Publishing 3.0 — reframing our understanding of the relationship between writer and reader in his presentation at the BNC Technology Forum on March 25, 2010, Calculated Risk: Adventures in Book Publishing, in which he riffs on controlling demand vs. supply, the genius of Oprah and the value of “mindshare.”

Books are cultural objects that take fifteen hours to read. Fifteen hours of another person’s voice inside your head, so that the commonality between people who have read the same book is a profound and deep intervention.Nash’s most recent project (as yet unveiled) is Cursor, “a social approach to publishing that focuses on the establishment of powerful, self-reinforcing online membership communities made up of professional authors, reader members, and emerging writers.”

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