Virginia Beach in December is a special time for many people. It is the time of the holidays, Christmas vacation, and the time when friends and family get together. If you want to enjoy December 2016 in Virginia Beach then you need to try one of these activities.
iFly Indoor Skydiving
If the winter weather is too cold for you and you want to get a thrill indoors, then indoor skydiving might just be for you. At iFly Indoor Skydiving, you can experience what it is like to be in freefall without any of the risks and indoors. They utilize a wind tunnel to give you the same experience as anyone in the middle of a parachute jump.
Christmas Carol
Dicken’s Christmas Carol is a popular musical that many have seen but they haven’t seen the Virginia Beach version. Brought to a new life with a modern score the Christmas Carol is running between the 2nd of December and the 4th. Tickets cost between $20 and $50 depending on the showing.
Holiday Parade at the Beach
Who doesn’t like a parade? December brings with it the Holiday Parade at the Beach. At the parade, you will see firetrucks, huge balloons, bands, dancers, and more. All of the sights that you want to see and more. On December 3rd, find your seat or standing place along the route of the parade and be prepared to enjoy.
Mid-Atlantic Rockfish Shootout
Everyone knows that Virginia Beach is known for its seafood but not everybody knows about its fishing competitions. The Mid-Atlantic Rockfish Shootout is the best Rockfish fishing competition and whether you want to watch or compete the experience is fun. The event starts on December 8th and ends on December 10th. If you want to compete for the fee is $550.
The Nutcracker
Everyone enjoys a holiday season play. The Nutcracker is one of those. The Sandler Center puts on the classical ballet, the Nutcracker starting December 16th. The show closes on December 18th. Symphonicity brings the symphonic accompaniment to the show. Tickets range from $20 to $57.
Last Night On The Town
In order to celebrate the end of the year, Virginia Beach puts on the Last Night On The Town. Starting at 2 pm on December 31st events start in Virginia Beach. These various events include everything from food to live music. They continue on until January 1st, finishing off with the countdown until New Year.